Registered Financial Services Provider

Income Investments

What is 'Income Investments' ?

It is when you need your investment to provide YOU with a monthly payout, either for a specified term or for the rest of your life.

What type of options are there, to mention some?

Funds from retirement investments (Compulsory Funds)

Living Annuity A drawdown / selling, % of your investment funds. There are limits. The limits are 2.5% up to 17.5%. If there are funds in the investment at your untimely death, you can nominate beneficiaries.
Life Annuity The investment company must provide YOU with an income for the rest of YOUR life. If you die after the guaranteed term, then there is NO benefit for beneficiaries.

Funds from other investments (Voluntary Funds)

Drawdown % from your investment You decide to either only withdraw the interest or a specified % from you investment on a regular basis.
Voluntary Income Plan The investment company must provide your with an income for a specified period or for the rest of your life.

Some other facts

Questions to consider

No plan is a "One size fits all" solution. Each individual has different needs, different desires and unique risk appetite, which means each Income Plan needs to be tailor-made to fit you perfectly.